据路透社当地时间21日报道,推特和脸书公司日前宣布,美国总统的官方推特及脸书账号“@POTUS”将在明年1月20日总统就职日当天转交给拜登——无论现任总统特朗普是否承认败选。届时,白宫、副总统以及第一夫人的官方账号也将按此规则进行转移。Twitter Inc. and Facebook Inc. will transfer control of the @POTUS account to the Joe Biden administration on January 20, the social media companies said on Saturday, even if President Donald Trump doesn't concede.The social media giants will also hand over other institutional handles - for the White House, vice president and first lady of the United States - on inauguration day.“推特目前正在积极筹备中,以确保2021年1月20日白宫相关推特账号的交接工作能顺利进行。”
"Twitter is actively preparing to support the transition of White House institutional Twitter accounts on January 20, 2021. As we did for the presidential transition in 2017, this process is being done in close consultation with the National Archives and Records," the company said in a statement on Saturday.
"In 2017, we worked with both the Obama Administration and incoming Trump Administration to make sure the transition of their Facebook and Instagram accounts was seamless on January 20, and we expect to do the same here," Facebook said in response to a query from Reuters.据了解,推特与脸书平台上的“@POTUS”账号是美国总统官方认证账号,不同于美国现任总统特朗普经常使用的“@realDonaldTrump”推特账号和“@DonaldTrump”脸书账号。明年1月20日,“@POTUS”账号转移给拜登后,特朗普可以继续使用他的个人推特及脸书账号,但他将失去此前在平台上享有的特殊豁免权。这意味着,如果特朗普的推文违反相关规定,其个人账号可能面临被封禁的风险。
The @POTUS account on both platforms is the official account of the President of the United States. It is separate from the @realDonaldTrump Twitter account and the @DonaldTrump Facebook page that U.S. President Donald Trump mostly uses to write his posts.Trump will continue to control his personal account, but the account will lose the special protections it gets due to Trump's status as a world leader. This means, if Trump's tweet content violates certain rules of the company, he can lose the account.此前,美国政治新闻网站Politico援引推特公司的话称,官方账号的交接过程无需离任的特朗普和上任的拜登团队共享任何信息。这些账户上现有的所有推文都将被存档,随后被清零,再转移给拜登团队。2017年1月20日,美国第44任总统奥巴马将推特账号“@POTUS”移交给了特朗普,所有之前的推文内容都被清空——这些推文都被转移至另一个新账号“@POTUS44”上存档。Politico reported earlier that the handover of the @POTUS Twitter handle requires no sharing of information between the outgoing Trump team and incoming Biden team, and other presidential accounts, including @whitehouse, @VP, and @FLOTUS, will be moved over as well.推特方面表示,他们将很快与拜登和哈里斯的过渡团队会面,讨论下一届美国政府官员使用推特的具体细节。It also reported that Twitter will meet transition officials for Biden and the projected vice president, Kamala Harris, in the coming months to discuss the particulars of how the new administration will use Twitter.根据多家美国媒体公布的计票结果,在美国2020总统选举中,美国民主党总统候选人、前副总统拜登最终赢得了306张选举人票,美国总统特朗普赢得了232张选举人票。不过,截至目前,特朗普仍未承认败选。Biden, who has reached the two-week mark since becoming president-elect, is preparing to take office on January 20, but Trump has refused to concede and is seeking to invalidate or overturn the results through lawsuits and recounts in several states, claiming - without proof - widespread voter fraud.